Friday, May 23, 2008

Persuasion Essay Final Copy

In 2003, the country of Iraq was assaulted by U.S. troops. The reason for this was because our government claimed that Saddam Hussein was holding weapons of mass destruction. So far, no such weapons have been found and we have every reason to believe that the government made up this idea. Today, most do not approve of our president’s false statements about our situation in the Middle East. It is clear that the only reason the United States is involved with the conflict in Iraq is because of our need for oil.

Vice President Dick Cheney stated this, “Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Because no weapons have actually been found, it makes the citizens of the U.S. wonder whether or not we are really there to stop the Middle East from using them.

President George W. Bush’s father ran a successful military plan called desert storm in the past. There is no doubt that our president is trying to carry out the same successful conflict. If one were to think of this, there is no reason to carry out a pointless attack such as this just for the sake of one man. This leads people to think that the conflict in Iraq is to claim oil for our own.

As the gas prices rise, we need more and more oil. Currently, our country is in one of the biggest (if not the biggest) needs for fuel. Since we are the only ones with that great of a need, and holding an oil rich country, it is very suspicious for an onlooker to see. Unfortunately, one can never know for sure what the government is thinking. Perhaps some good has come out of this conflict.

Apart from taking oil, the good thing that has come out of this struggle is capturing Saddam Hussein. He has performed many acts that are commonly looked down upon in the U.S. Women in Iraq were treated as if they served little to no purpose in life. Along with that, he punished all who stood before him. Although the main reason many think we went to Iraq was for oil, one good thing that came out of this was stopping Saddam Hussein’s tyranny over his country.

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